Reflexology can be used throughout pregnancy and can be a wonderful relaxing experience for the client as well as helping to alleviate the symptoms that occur during the various trimesters.
The first trimester can be the most exhilarating and exhausting time for the client! As well as feeling delighted you may feel anxious and weepy. Most morning sickness occurs during this time due to the surge in hormones and 50% of pregnant women get food cravings as well as aversions to certain foods.
Reflexology can be a very relaxing treatment to have during this time and is perfectly safe although most reflexologists advise waiting until the second trimester if you have not had reflexology before.
The second and third trimesters vary from woman to woman. Some may experience high blood pressure, bleeding gums, back ache and heartburn to name but a few. The baby is growing and you may feel bloated and tired towards the end.
Reflexology can help you relax and help alleviate some of these symptoms.
As the birth approaches it will help prepare you for labour and many maternity departments at hospitals have reflexologists on the wards to help.
Enhancing Fertility
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Supporting you through Pregnancy
There are lots of reports published regarding infertility and the causes. It is estimated that 1 in 7 heterosexual couples in the UK have unexplained infertility, i.e. where there is no identified male or female cause.
It is thought that one of the major factors affecting this is stress. When we are continually anxious we produce more cortisol (a hormone released in response to stress). This has an affect on the production of other hormones that stimulate ovulation (luteinising hormone) and the implantation of the embryo after fertilisation.
As well as advice on diet and nutrition, many private fertility clinics offer complementary therapies as part of their fertility treatment support programme. The two major ones being acupuncture and reflexology.
Having a course of reflexology can help in many ways. As well as reducing your stress levels it can help balance your hormones (endocrine balancing).
As part of my course I did a specific two day training on enhancing fertility and maternity care. I am pleased to offer specific treatment packages for enhancing fertility to help you de-stress, balance your hormones and improve your well-being. These can be tailored individually or for couples.
See these links to see how reflexology is helping couples conceive in the UK:
Please feel free to contact me to discuss any of the above.
Your midwife or doctor will also be able to give you advice and direct you to a complementary therapy most suitable for you.
It is important when choosing a practitioner that they have had full training, are registered with a relevant organisation and are insured. I am a member of the AoR (Association of Reflexologists) and also registered with the CNHC (Complementary National Healthcare Council) and am fully insured.
I can offer specifically priced treatment packages for your needs and you have the option of also being treated in the comfort of your own home which would certainly be useful if heavily pregnant!